Thursday, June 5, 2008

She's All Smiles!

I am loving this age! Savannah just keeps getting better and better! What a precious gift she is! Every day she seems more smiley and has even started laughing every once in a while. I look forward to hearing that sound more and more! I could just stare at her all day. Cole is still the best at getting her to smile. She grins just hearing his voice and the two of them can carry on conversations just by cooing (or "hoo"ing). It's adorable. I had to share some pictures of the smile that lights up our world every day!


Joelle Turner said...

Oh my goodness! I LOVE the second picture! I feel like I can really see what she *looks* like, see her personality. I love it. I miss her so much!

Susan Sene said...

ahhh that one of her in the second picture is the CUTEST!!