Monday, December 8, 2008

Catching Up

It's been a while since I've posted because we've been busy! We got to spend about 10 days in South Carolina visiting family and then when we got home and Savannah got sick. I guess we should be thankful that she made it 8 whole months before getting sick for the first time, but it has not been fun! What an exhausting few days for all of us! I'll post about our trip in the next few days. But in case I haven't posted about it yet, she is now a crawling, cruising, waving, dancing little bundle of smiles (when she's not sick).
This is a picture of Savannah after she fell asleep in the car with her hat on. It obviously shifted a little before she dozed off. And now that Savi is crawling, she's discovering all kinds of new things... like the air vents!


Susan Sene said...

ahhh haha...fix that poor girl's hat!

Anonymous said...

haha, so cute! i've been waiting and waiting for new posts!