Tuesday, March 9, 2010

6 Weeks Old

Hailey is now 6 weeks old and has been the sweetest little baby girl! I wanted to get a couple things down for my own reference. First of all, her umbelical cord came off at 2 weeks old. Not sure why that's such a milestone, but thought I'd make a note of it anyways :) A little more exciting, she started smiling last week (5 weeks old). What a sweet smile! Usually wide open mouth smiles- just like her sister! Brings back so many memories! I'm so thankful to get to do this a second time! At 6 weeks old, we started the Baby Wise "cry it out" method. I DREADED this! It worked great for Savannah, but I had to listen to her cry and it killed me! So, I put it off and put it off and finally started it last week. It's been 4 days now and every time I lay her down, she goes right to sleep! No crying! God definitely gives you what you can handle! It has been such a blessing. I have been able to spend more time with Savannah, more time cleaning my house (which really needed to be done!) and I feel like a different, more rested person. I know it may not last forever, but so far, Hailey is the Queen of Cry It Out!!


sojournerdiaries said...

Lorren it was so great to read Hailey's birth story and hear how well things are going at 6 weeks!! I sure do miss your sweet family. Just catching up with everyone tonight via blogland/facebook. Love you! Melissa